This website uses cookies.
Some are essential, others help us to improve this website.
Some are essential, others help us to improve this website.
Don't worry: your data is safe with us!
They will not be shared with third parties.
They will not be shared with third parties.
Individual privacy settings
Here you will find an overview of cookies used.
You can accept entire cookie categories or select only certain cookies.
You can accept entire cookie categories or select only certain cookies.
Essential cookies
Cookie | Provider | Duration (Days) |
JSESSIONID | Geringhoff | Session |
showOldCookieLayout | Geringhoff | Session |
anonymous-consents | Geringhoff | 365 |
cookie-notification | Geringhoff | 4600 |
sap-outbound-id | Geringhoff | 184 |
displayedCookiesNotification | Geringhoff | 30 |
functionalCookiesActivated | Geringhoff | 30 |
marketingCookiesActivated | Geringhoff | 30 |
Marketing cookies
Cookie | Provider | Duration (Days) |
_gcl_au | 90 |
Functional cookies
Cookie | Provider | Duration (Days) |
_ga | 730 | |
_gid | 1 | |
_gat | 1 | |
_gat_UA-* | 1 | |* | Matomo | 5 |* | Matomo | 1 |
_pk_ref.* | Matomo | 182 |
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